Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fisher-Price Barbie Pedal Riding Toy Bicycle - BEAVERTON

Title: Fisher-Price Barbie Pedal Riding Toy Bicycle

Ad Detail:

I am selling Kids bicycle of Fischer Price brand which is rarely used.

Expected Price $50

Interested may call or text 9717082814.

please refer below product description:

Your Big Wheel may have had a total of 4 parts.This three-wheeled riding toy is crafted from rugged plastic that sports Barbie decals and moves on high-traction tires driven by non-slip pedals. Add a few batteries and you get working headlights, music and real voice phrases that put her right in the center of the action as she controls a signal unit from the handle bars. She won't outgrow it right away, as you can adjust the seat as she grows and needs a bit more leg room.

Visit Fisher-Price Barbie Pedal Riding Toy Bicycle for details on this classified.
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